Crown Integrated Energy

Energy driven solutions for your business

Integrated Systems

In a world where the drive towards Net Zero is now at the forefront of everyone's thinking, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the task. In the UK a building with adequate HVAC control methods saves around 20-30% by utilising basic on/off functions whereas a well optimised HVAC system running stand alone can see savings of around 30-50%. These in their own right are not trivial statistics, but we at Crown are now helping to take this further.

By helping our clients consolidate their current BMS portfolios into a singular system, we are able to help them take control of the conventional systems they already have in place. As stated above these conventional systems typically have the power to make high savings but are not being utilised correctly.

We have control system strategies in place for our clients with equipment across multiple sites, equipment spanning the ages of 25 years old to brand new all talking to one control system and able to be commanded into a variety of energy saving modes with a few clicks, all monitored back using graphs and analytic tools at the clients will.

We have helped clients to see savings of close to half a million pounds within six months of the system being consolidated. Where current systems are not able to be directly integrated, we work closely with the site appointed BEMS providers to plan and execute a path of least resistance approach to getting them online. Sometimes a system is unfittingly old, and when it is time to retire it; we can assist with planning the most suitable replacement for the system.

Current Energy Performance vs Previous Year (August)

Leisure Controlled Estate

Difference vs Previous Year
-96,450 kWh

Data Completeness  - 92.75%

Centralised Control

We work with our clients to integrate all of their existing BMS controlled equipment into a single centralised system which they have full control and oversight over.

We specialise in helping clients with large multi-property portfolios consolidate their BMS controlled estate creating one managed BMS system with global control commands and full individual site HTML5 web access.

No contracts or long-term energy buy ins, we facilitate our clients to have their whole estate controlled and monitored entirely by themselves.

What our clients are saying

“Charles is extremely trustworthy and highly respected within the BMS industry. He has supported GLLs BMS Bureau start up from day 1 and within the first 6 months GLL gained control over 70 BMS systems across the estate.

Other internal projects managed by GLL along with the Bureau Charles constructed made GLL savings close to £500,000 in the first 6 months of the BMS Bureau being active (massive carbon reductions).

I can highly recommend Charles for any BMS works because he is honest, supportive 24/7.”

Dietmar Kronegger

GLL National BMS Bureau Manager

“I have recently been working with Charles on a project where our wireless I/O solution was ideal in an application where hard wiring was pretty much impossible and most definitely cost prohibitive.

Charles is clearly very knowledgeable about controls and energy but impressed the most with his agile mind in terms of being open to working with different technologies to provide his client with the best all round solution.

Smart, articulate and personable, Charles is extremely easy and a pleasure to deal with which is highlighted by his excellent communication skills. I look forward to working closely with him in the future and can highly recommend him.”

Adam Humphreys


“Meticulous is the best single word I can use to describe Charles.

Working alongside him was always a pleasure and never a chore, I learnt so much about BMS engineering and customer satisfaction that should the opportunity arise to work with him again I would gladly jump at the chance.”

Gavin Parsons

Northampton General Hospital NHS

Get in Touch

If you would like to get in contact and learn more about how we can help, please fill out the contact form below:

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